Saturday, May 24, 2014

My Thoughts On Completing the One Hour Early Challenge!

In the last post I wrote about taking the One Hour Early Challenge created by Blogger Foreverjasxo. For each day from May 12-19, I would read the Bible, pray, and or mediate for one hour. I was excited about taking this challenge because I knew that doing something like this would make my relationship with God grow stronger. And whew, did it bring it me closer to God! Waking up one hour early I would feel tired sometimes but I motivated myself to finish what I had started. I told myself that if I could spend hours everyday on social media sites, then spending one hour of Bible reading, prayer, and meditation was nothing. For the first two mornings I read from the book of Job and then Psalms and plus whatever was the Bible Verse for the Day on my Holy Bible app. I would cut off my TV, mute my phone, and gather all of my reading materials for the hour. I also kept a journal with me just to write down any thoughts I had about the Bible scriptures I would read or make a list on what I could do to practice the word daily. Being the little emotional drama queen that I am I would cry and call out on my knees to ask God for his wisdom and understanding. I wanted his word to change my heart, my thoughts, and my actions. If anything in my heart or mind did not glorify him then use me and make me remember his word. I am glad to say that I am continuing the one hour early challenge everyday so that I can still grow spiritually. I am more happy to spend time with God than I have ever been before. I have even started writing journals to my future husband while I enjoy my season in singleness. I listen to more Christian music and have fallen in love with Christian rap  and all of the upbeat and uplifting songs. Changing the music that I listen to music has also changed my thoughts and also what I am really saying when I sing the lyrics I hear in explicit music. I am changing in so many ways and I am loving the woman I am becoming. I encourage anyone who feels a need or desire to come closer to God to take the challenge everyday or even one hour before bedtime. I like to read the Bible in the morning and at night to start and end my day with God and not on Instagram.  In closing I leave you with one of my favorite Bible scriptures from Psalms 34:5,

"Keep your eyes on the Lord! You will shine like the sun and never blush with shame"!



Monday, May 12, 2014

Take the #onehourearly Challenge!

Happy Monday Everyone! A new week is here and summer is almost upon us! I am on my second week of summer break and I am absolutely loving it. I can't explain how good it feels to not have to worry about waking up for a class or writing another essay. And eight hours of sleep has never felt so good. I don't know about you all but during the summer months I tend to get a little lazy. If you're stuck in the house like me, the only excitement you have is Netflix or some action movie on the FX channel. I tend to sleep in all day and eat anything I can find just because I'm bored. Last week one of my Instagram followers posted this #onehourearly challenge by blogger @foreverjasxo. From May 12-19 you read pray,meditate and read the Bible one hour before whatever time you usually wake up. Like today I woke up at 8am and read the book of Job for an hour. I learned a lot from that one hour and I am excited to continue this challenge beyond this week and maybe throughout the summer. I've always wanted to do something like this but I never really could stick with a plan. Reading the Bible daily is very essential to growing a closer relationship with God, and I encourage anyone who doesn't know or wants to know him to take this challenge! Make your Summer 2014 well spent by spending time with The Father himself! ☺️

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

What my first year of college has taught me!

First things first, I just wanna say that I am so sorry for abandoning my lovely blog. These past two months have been the busiest for me, from doing long amounts of homework, preparing for finals, and trying to keep a social life throughout all the chaos.  I am now home for summer break and I promise you I love my blog and I will care for it like its my imaginary baby! Reflecting on these last two semesters, I can't believe how far I have made it through this year personally and academically. I can recall way too many times when I have felt like giving up or going crazy but I am 1/4 away from reaching the finish line and there's no turning back now! Writing this post in my room with Katy Perry's "Prism" album playing in the background (which I will review in my next post), I love the struggle that I went through to get here because it was everything that I had to give up! From homecoming to SpringBash this last year was one for the books and I will never forget all of the people I met, good and bad! My first year of college taught me a lot of things about myself and the people around me. One thing I know for sure that college has taught me is that:

1. I LOVE having my own space. 
Maybe it's just me but sharing a room with a complete stranger is not for me. I'm not saying that having a roommate is the worst thing in the world but being someone who has never had to share their personal space with anyone is most awkward thing in the world (to me) Lol. But it depends on who your roommate is and how both you interact with each other. like if you're more on the quiet and shy side, having a roommate that is more loud and more outgoing might be a little uncomfortable. But you have to learn how to be cordial and respectful, even when you don't want to. Like simple gestures or asking them about their day can go a long way, and never know you might find that you both have something in common.

2. Dating in college sucks (sometimes)!
I tried the long distance thing but it didn't work out like I wanted it to. I have encountered some nice guys who have showed interest in me but the red flags were showing everywhere, and so I had to let them go. And there's the guys that I really wanted to like me but were either taken, crazy, or gay. But I'm not going to cry out for a boo or chase anyone because I know my worth and I have faith in the process that I am going through.

3. Single Life is VERY FUN! (MO' MONEY, NO PROBLEMS)!!
I could be lying if I didn't say that I feel a little salty sometimes looking at couples walk around holding hands and going out on dates. But when I think about my freedom and not having to make plans for another person all the time, I feel content. I have more friends, more free time, and more money in the bank! No seriously these last few months of being have been a blessing because I get make time for myself and learn about myself and what I want. And I don't think I would've enjoyed my first year of college as much as I did if I was tied down. Like going out with my friends and not having to explain myself or who I was with just makes life feel good!

4. I need like three jobs and a sugar daddy (just kidding)!
College is expensive! Let me say that again. College is VERY expensive! From buying books for my classes, paying for institutional fees, Homecoming events, pageants, food (yes, I said food), money is a necessity. I encourage anyone to save up money from working summer jobs or during the semester because it helps. Set up a budget, keep track of your receipts, stay on top of what is going in and what is taken out of your account, and be choosy with your money!

5. The food in the Cafe will make you fat! (Well at least the fries will)
I have never had so much access to food until I came to college! And I'm serious, don't judge me! You walk in, swipe your card (keep your card with you on all times if you wanna eat), check out what's available to eat whether it's grill, pizza, veggies, cereal, sub,etc and sit down. After eating you might feel a little unsatisfied and want something else. And then regret it later. What I am trying to say is that it is so easy to get whatever you want and lose track of what you are eating. The Freshman 15 is REAL but with making smarter choices with your daily diet you can beat it and come out victorious and not as another victim!

6. I love food!
Food is my second boyfriend, next to the one that I don't have. He comforts me when I am lonely, and fills me up when I am hungry. Just kidding, but after these last two semesters I do have a deeper appreciation for food and what I put into my body!

7. Some of my professors should not be teaching a class.
Don't be afraid to ask an upperclassman about a teacher before you sign up for their class, because they might just save you from a long confusing semester. Ask about the course load and what you could be doing to prepare for the class.

8. Not everyone is going to be your friend, and that is okay!
Seek respect, not attention. Not everyone is going to like the same things that you do but the only thing that matters is that you like yourself. And when you practice self-love and heed out the people who don't respect you, them everything will fall into place and you will meet people who love you for you! Trust me I went three weeks sitting in the cafe all by myself because I was not going to associate with people who did not respect me and my beliefs. And out of nowhere I met people with the same interests that I had and we are like sisters.

9. A relationship with God is the best relationship you can have!
Everyone falls short and trust me I hit rock bottom this year, but I don't regret my past because if I didn't I wouldn't have rediscovered my love for God and Jesus Christ. Having a relationship with God is a lifestyle. You can't highlight the scriptures you want to hear, and ignore the things you don't like. You have to give him all of you and that includes changing your ways and your thoughts. I had to learn how to meditate on his word throughout the day, pray for the good and the bad, and love all people even when they don't deserve it. I am growing more and more everyday into the woman God wants me to become!

10. Some people are just compulsive aXXholes, but you just have to let them be great!
People are going to hurt you  and you are going to meet a lot of evil people in college but you don't have to give them sometime of your day! Pray for their insecurities instead of talking about what they did to you because it only makes the hurt feel worst. Don't let evil defeat you, but defeat evil with good- Romans 12:21. Kill them with kindness, and bury them with a smile, and I swear you will confuse all of your enemies so much that they will have to love respect you!

11. It's okay to be a Good Girl!
Just because everyone is outside partying, smoking, drinking, and having sex doesn't mean you have to do the same things. When I tell people that I don't party or drink they look at me like I am an alien or something. I have learned that it is okay not to be in the in crowd like everyone else, because what is popular is not always right. What turns other people on doesn't really fascinate me as much. I look forward to Friday and Saturday nights when I can paint my toenails, eat popcorn, and watch a good movie on Netflix. Make your own type of fun instead of following others!

12. Procrastination is the enemy!
Finally I just want to say that it is easy to get off track in college but you have to keep your priorities first. Sometimes I would put off an important assignment and put it off to do something else and then end up having to cram or cancel plans just because I procrastinated. You will have to learn to say "no" to the things you want to do, and "yes" to the things you have to do. But if you do what you have to do first, and then you will be able to do want to do later. (Confused, or Nah?) College is full of many great opportunities and you can experience every single one of them if you keep you keep working hard, and remember your goals. You can achieve anything you set your mind to!