1. More money for me! I don't have to go from store to store to find a great gift. I can spend my money how I want it and not have to drive myself crazy to please anyone.
2. I don't have to compromise with anyone on how I want to spend Valentines Day. There are some people who think that they have to give up their morals and beliefs just so they can have someone for this day. I don't like being pressured into doing something I don't want to do, and if they're not okay with that then I will open the door for them. I know that not all people are like this but if there ever comes a time where you have to give up something you truly believe in and cherish just for one person, don't do it!
3. Because God loves me more than I could ever know. HE will never cheat on me, let me down, or wake up and tell me that he doesn't want to be with me anymore. His love is unconditional, patient, kind, and very beautiful. 1 Corinthians 13-4:8
4. I don't have to pretend that I am so in love with someone or boast about my relationship on Twitter/Facebook/Instagram. Every couple has their good days and their bad days, it's natural. Even if someone says that they don't have fights with their boyfriend/girlfriend, they still have their disagreesments or secrets that they might keep from one another. The grass may look greener on the other side but it might be covered with bullshit.
5. I get to eat whatever I want and not care about what someone else thinks.🍕🍔🍟🍝🍜🍤🍫🍰🎂🍧
6. It's only ONE day out of the whole year! Good Lord!😩
7. I love myself more than any guy could love me! I know who I am! I know my strengths and weakness, my imperfections, my WORTH, and my heart! And right now my heart is focused on God and doing things that make my soul happy!
8. My Prince Charming could show up Feb, 15! Lol.
9. There are so many other smart, attractive, and beautiful people out there who are single and living the life of their dreams! Not mopping around because they don't have a Valentine! God will send the right person at the right time!👌
10. I really don't think I'm ready to be in another relationship. My last relationship ended in October and I spent a lot of time in my head thinking about what I should of done and the many red flags that I ignored. Why did he cheat on me? Why did I do this? These past few months of being single have been a blessing. I'm get to spend my precious time doing the things that I love. Meet new people and make new memories. I went to the Drake concert, made the Deans List, and fall in love with myself all over again! It's a beautiful feeling and I don't regret my ex or hate him for what he did because he made me stronger. I can correct myself and learn from my mistakes so when the right person comes along I will be ready!
11. I like my alone time! I don't have to check my phone every minute to answer a text, or sacrifice my sleep to answer a call. I get to do my nails, work on my makeup, read the Bible, and watch a lot of Netflix without no disturbances or distractions.
12. Because one day I am to meet the love of my life and he will treat me EVERYDAY and not just on a man-made holiday!😍🌹❤️💋☺️💝💕
13. Because I am in a relationship with God and everything is perfect! ☺️🙌
Don't give up on love! Work on yourself while you have the time! Call a friend or family member and tell them how much you love and appreciate them. Smile and laugh all the time! Love yourself and do the things that make you happy and whole! The greatest love of all is when you love yourself!